Saturday, May 5, 2007


This week-end is turning to be a tear-jerker in more ways than one. I just returned from the hospital after visiting Sumatra, Akash and Vikram, who are currently bed ridden after they had met with a late night car accident yesterday. It all started with the two back to back quizzes on Friday afternoon and things just went downhill from there. To recover from the academic mauling, a bunch of us looked towards friendly neighborhood spiderman-3, but most of them ended up disappointed with the movie. To make matters worse, one of the cars they were traveling, while returning, got side-rammed and that is how the week-end started for many of us at the hospital.

Looks like a couple of them are going to spend the week-end at the hospital and we are forming crack teams to spend time with them and help them tide over this crisis so that we can all move back to handling our academic crisis situation, which by the way is getting worse by the day.

Personally, I am also fighting a debilitating tooth ache and ‘eagerly’ looking forward to my dentist appointment on Monday evening. That doesn’t happen very often and is a good measure of how bad things are getting over here @ PGPXLand.

All in all, a fun week-end and things can only get better from here on. I hope…

Good luck to Baby Sumantra, Chopra Saab and Akash for getting back on the road real quick. Wish the same to the rest of us also, who in spite of staying on the road are getting lost and weaving in and out of traffic, with the oncoming headlights getting brighter by the minute. Godspeed!!!


Anonymous said...

Be careful at your dental visit my friend. I had a bad experience once. The dentist used gas to put me to sleep while he worked on my tooth. When I woke up my pants were unbuttoned. Need I say more.

Biju Nair said...

Good one Brian and thanks for sharing your experience. I will watch out, but again, in India we don't have that much to worry about. It is in the Calfornia land that Dentists go straight for the open 'pant' surgery. :-)